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2024-06-09 13:41

"Epidemic prevention and control, health care, healthy China" was written into the report of the conference!


Source: Xinhua News Agency

From the aspect of epidemic prevention and control, the report emphasized the past adherence to dynamic zero clearing

[Original]: Especially in the face of the sudden COVID-19, we adhere to the people first, life first, and dynamic zeroing unswervingly. We have carried out the people's war, the overall war, and the war of resistance against the epidemic, which has protected people's life safety and health to the greatest extent, and achieved significant positive results in coordinating the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development.

On the eve of the meeting, the People's Daily published a commentary article, "It is not advisable to lie flat, and it is impossible to win": according to the data released by the World Health Organization on October 10, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world has exceeded 618 million, and the number of deaths has exceeded 6.53 million. Since this year, the number of deaths in the world has exceeded one million. At present, the global epidemic is still at a high level, and the virus is still changing, which deeply reminds us that "lying flat" is not advisable, and "lying win" is impossible. Only by insisting on dynamic zero clearing can we avoid huge losses caused by uncontrolled immunization to the greatest extent.

The perspective of the group is the most important to measure the harm degree of a pandemic disease. As of September 28, 86.26% of the elderly population in China had completed the whole process of vaccination for the elderly aged over 60. A considerable number of elderly people had not completed the whole process of vaccination and enhanced immunization. In addition, a considerable number of children and people with contraindications who could not be vaccinated had not yet formed a barrier against severe diseases and death.

Once the epidemic prevention and control is relaxed, it is bound to cause a large number of people to be infected, a large number of serious and fatal cases in a short period of time, resulting in a run on medical resources, leaving normal medical service needs unsolved and forming a vicious circle. In practice, we have protected people's life safety and health to the greatest extent because of the dynamic reset. According to the data released by the National Health Commission, the average life expectancy of Chinese residents will increase to 78.2 years in 2021, and the indicators of health care will continue to be optimized.

To achieve this, scientific and effective epidemic prevention and control is indispensable. Practice has fully proved that dynamic reset is in line with national conditions, scientific, effective and feasible. The essence of dynamic reset is to adhere to people first and life first.

medical and health work

Focusing on the people, the report strengthened the construction of the medical and health system

[Original text]: We have thoroughly implemented the people centered development idea, and continued to make efforts to ensure that children have education, education, work, medical care, elderly care, housing, and weak support. We have built the world's largest education system, social security system, and medical and health system, so that people's sense of gain, happiness, and security are more substantial, more secure, and more sustainable, and common prosperity has achieved new results.

On July 1, 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health Commission, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention jointly issued the Implementation Plan for the Construction of a High quality and Efficient Medical and Health Service System during the "Fourteenth Five Year Plan". The Plan specifies that by 2025, a high-quality, efficient and integrated medical and health service system will be basically established, the level of prevention, control and treatment of major epidemics and response to public health emergencies will be significantly improved, significant progress will be made in the construction of major bases such as national medical centers and regional medical centers, the ability to provide all-round and full cycle health services and support will be significantly enhanced, and the Chinese medicine service system will be more sound, Efforts should be made to ensure that the masses of the people enjoy fairly accessible, systematic and continuous high-quality medical and health services nearby.

In terms of the project to improve public health prevention, control and treatment capacity, the Plan points out that the central budget will focus on supporting the construction of the disease prevention and control system, the national major infectious disease prevention and treatment base and the national emergency medical rescue base, and promote local governments to strengthen the capacity of local disease prevention and control institutions, the public health capacity of medical institutions, the grass-roots public health system and the health supervision system, We will improve a strong public health system with disease control institutions and specialized disease prevention and control institutions as the backbone, comprehensive medical institutions as the support, grassroots medical and health institutions as the network base, and prevention and treatment as the combination. In principle, provincial disease control institutions should have laboratories that have reached the third level of biosafety, and have the ability to detect pathogens of common infectious diseases and health hazards within the province in a "one shot" manner and emergency response capabilities. The disease control institutions at the prefecture and municipal levels have laboratories that have reached the secondary level of biosafety, and have the inspection and detection capabilities required for the implementation of common infectious disease pathogens, health hazards and national health standards.

In terms of the high-quality development project of public hospitals, the Plan proposes to strive to achieve that each prefecture and city has a Class III A hospital, and counties serving more than 1 million people have county-level hospitals that have the hardware facilities and service capacity of urban Class III hospitals. By 2025, the construction of regional medical centers will be basically completed. About 120 provincial regional medical centers were selected and built, and the level of diagnosis and treatment of key diseases and provincial capital cities were significantly reduced. The central budgetary investment focuses on supporting the construction of national medical centers and regional medical centers, supporting the upgrading and capacity expansion of county-level hospitals in poverty alleviation areas, three districts, three prefectures, the Central Soviet Area, and relocation and resettlement areas, speeding up the construction of digital health infrastructure, and promoting the construction of health care big data system. Integrate TCM hospitals into major construction projects such as national medical centers and regional medical centers. We will accelerate the construction of municipal and county-level hospitals that have not been included in the investment support scope of the central budget, and comprehensively promote the construction of community hospitals and grassroots medical and health institutions.

Healthy China

Focusing on building a healthy China, the report defines the future strategic positioning

[Original text]: Promote the construction of a healthy China, give priority to ensuring people's health, establish a reproductive support policy system, implement the national strategy of actively responding to the aging population, promote the inheritance and innovative development of traditional Chinese medicine, improve the public health system, strengthen the prevention, control and treatment system of major epidemics and build emergency response capacity, and effectively curb the spread of major infectious diseases.

On July 9, 2019, the Healthy China Action Promotion Committee issued the Notice of Healthy China Action (2024-0630), hereinafter referred to as the Notice.

The "Notice" emphasizes that maternal and child health is the foundation of national health. China has a high incidence of birth defects and women's "two cancers", which seriously affects the survival and quality of life of women and children, and affects the quality of the population and family happiness. This action is mainly aimed at giving advice on the promotion of maternal and child health before marriage and pregnancy, during pregnancy, newborn and early childhood, and putting forward the main measures that the government and society should take.

On April 8, 2022, the National Health Commission issued the Notice on the Implementation Plan of the Program for the Development of Women and Children in China from 2024-0630. Prenatal screening, screening of genetic and metabolic diseases in newborns, comprehensive prevention and treatment of cervical cancer and breast cancer, reduction of mother to child transmission of AIDS, syphilis and hepatitis B, common diseases and malignant tumors in children are the long-term development direction in the next 8-10 years.

The Notice points out that China has the largest elderly population in the world. There are 249 million people aged 60 and above, accounting for 17.9% of the total population. Nearly 180 million elderly people suffer from chronic diseases. This action gives personal and family action suggestions for the elderly in terms of diet and nutrition, physical exercise, regular physical examination, chronic disease management, mental health and drug safety, and puts forward major social and government initiatives to promote the elderly to have a sense of care, a sense of security and a sense of purpose.

The "Notice" pointed out that cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases were the first cause of death among Chinese residents. There are 270 million hypertensive patients, 13 million stroke patients and 11 million coronary heart disease patients nationwide. Hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity, smoking, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating habits, etc. are major and changeable risk factors for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. This action is mainly aimed at general adults, high-risk groups and patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, giving suggestions on blood pressure monitoring, blood lipid detection, self-health management, diet and exercise, proposing self rescue measures for acute myocardial infarction and stroke, and proposing major measures that the society and the government should take.

The Notice emphasizes that cancer seriously affects people's health. At present, there are about 3.8 million new cancer cases and 2.29 million deaths every year in China. The incidence rate and mortality rate are increasing year by year, which has become the first cause of death in urban areas and the second cause of death in rural areas. This action is mainly aimed at cancer prevention, early screening, early diagnosis and early treatment, standardized treatment, rehabilitation and dietary guidance, etc., giving relevant suggestions, and proposing the main measures that the society and the government should take.

The "Notice" points out that infectious and endemic diseases seriously threaten people's health. There are about 28 million chronic hepatitis B patients in China, and about 900000 new tuberculosis patients every year, and the prevention and control situation of endemic diseases and some parasitic diseases is still grim. This action proposes the main measures that individuals, society and the government should take for AIDS, viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, influenza, parasitic diseases and endemic diseases.

The development momentum of the medical industry will be further released in combination with the hierarchical diagnosis, the construction of regional medical centers, the thousand county project plan, the implementation plan for the construction of the health service system, and the recent discount loan policy for medical equipment of the Health Commission.

I believe that in the future, the medical industry will have greater and stronger leapfrog development around the health care and healthy China 2030!

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