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Regional Manager/Sales Director

Job Description:1.Based on the overall tactics of the company, organize regional marketing strategy/product line marketing strategy, and organize regional market investment promotion/departmental m...

Provincial Manager

Job Description:1.Implement the company's investment promotion strategy and develop the regional market, and responsible for the selection, evaluation, negotiation and contract signing of agents.2....

Marketing Manager/Supervisor

Job Description:1. Expert maintenance: maintain national and provincial experts and establish expert database.2. Market support: demand research and product positioning; product pricing and sales...

product manager

Job Description:1. Product planning: lead medical device product management, and responsible for product user experience, competitiveness and commercial success.2. Product definition: responsible f...

Hardware Engineer

Job Description:1. Participate in device selection and scheme feasibility evaluation of new product development; Responsible for the R&D of the company's electronic products, including schematic de...

Embedded Software Engineer

Job Description:1. More than 5 years of embedded programming experience, bachelor degree or above, experience in medical product development is preferred.2. Familiar with the development of common ...

Accounting supervisor

Job Description:1. Responsible for the financial management of the chain clinic business, sort out the chain clinic business, formulate a unified financial management system, and supervise the impl...

HR Supervisor

Job Description:1. Responsible for the construction and improvement of the company’s recruitment, training, one or more sectors of the company's recruitment, training, compensation and performance ...

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